Is Your Employer Liable If You Contract COVID-19 At Work?
Throughout the entire world people have been trying to find ways to work safely during the pandemic. Some employees have been able to shift to work from home mode. But others, particularly those providing essential services, have continued to work in public settings or at their place of business. The following professions all have a heightened risk of contracting COVID-19 due to the job’s proximity and frequency of contact with others: First responders, [...]
Which Is Better, Bankruptcy Or Debt Consolidation?
Medical bills, compounded mortgage and auto loan payments, credit card debt and job loss are just some of the factors that impact the financial stability of many American families. In fact, as of September 2021, consumer debt is nearly $15 trillion in the United States, an average of almost $93,000 per consumer. Because debt grows and multiplies, once you find yourself in it, it can be very difficult to get out. Read on [...]
Consider Buying Out Your Ground Rent Before Selling Your Home
Those who reside outside of Baltimore City, or at least outside of Maryland, may not be familiar with the concept of ground rent. This legal term dates back to 18th century English common law and essentially says that the owner of a home or other dwelling may not necessarily own the land underneath. In other words, another party could own an interest in the land beneath your home. Maryland has specific laws that [...]
How COVID-19 Has Impacted Personal Injury Claims
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted people throughout the world, and unfortunately Marylanders are no exception. As of the publishing of this article, over 45,000 Marylanders have been hospitalized as a result of this virus. The pandemic has impacted countless families, industries and also the municipal and federal court systems. If you have recently suffered an injury from a car accident or have been the victim of medical malpractice or other injury, you may [...]
How To Handle Delayed Injury Pain From An Auto Accident
Despite our best efforts to be safe drivers, auto accidents still occur. And, unfortunately, there is often some associated psychological and physical trauma. Hundreds of accidents occur in Maryland every day, from fender-benders to serious auto accidents. In fact, in 2019, there were 10,555 auto accidents in Anne Arundel country alone and 21,530 auto accidents in Baltimore County (see chart, below). Source: Maryland Open Data Portal Often, a person will not feel the [...]
Why You Still Need A Living Will, Even During A Waning Pandemic
The statistics surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic are startling and tragic. As of the publication of this article, more than 600,000 deaths in the United States alone have been attributed to COVID-19. While this disease has disproportionately affected older individuals, it has also claimed the lives of many younger people who may not have ever thought there was a need to consider end of life medical care. Even among the older population, many continue [...]
How To Avoid Being Part Of The Predicted Foreclosure Wave
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant economic difficulties for many people, and those with mortgages are no exception. Thanks to legislation passed to help homeowners experiencing financial hardship, many borrowers were granted forbearance relief which temporarily postponed their mortgage payments. Starting in 2020, foreclosure and eviction moratoriums were also put in place. Throughout the pandemic, these moratoriums have been extended multiple times, but they are set to expire in the coming months. [...]
If You Are Injured While Working From Home, You May Qualify For Workers’ Compensation
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the world’s workforce in many ways. One of the most notable may be the significant number of people working from home full-time or those working hybrid schedules in which they work from home for one or more days each week. It is estimated that half of Americans are now working from home at least part of the time, and there are several indicators that this trend may continue. [...]